FBC "Back to School" schedule
The Wednesday evening we will kick off our "Back to School" schedule at First Baptist Angleton:
-- 5:30 we will resume our Wednesday evening fellowship meals, with chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy! Come join us! $6 suggestion donation if you can afford it.
-- 6:00 FBCA Youth will meet in the Youth Room.
-- 6:30 Kids Ministry Resumes, Adult Bible study will pick up our study in Psalms in the front foyer classroom.
-- 6:30 the worship choir will kick off the Christmas Musical practice with Christmas snacks, and listen to the music together. This would be a perfect time to join choir if you are interested!
DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES are also resuming at FBCA:
-- Griefshare for any who have lost loved ones begins THIS SUNDAY NIGHT, Aug. 18 at 5:30 in the fellowship hall
-- Sunday Sept. 18 at 6:00 we will also kick off classes on Ephesians, I, II, & III John, and a Ladies book discussion class: "Untangle Your Emotions" by Jennie Allen.
-- Kids choir will also take place at 6:00, and nursery will be provided.
See the church newsletter or call the church office for more information.