Worship Arts

The Worship Ministry is one of the most exciting ministries in our church

and it exists to exalt God, edify the believers, and evangelize the lost

.John 4:23 says that “the true worshipers will worship him in spirit and truth,

for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.”  

Prayerfully consider serving with us. 

You may contact Kyle Chamblin, Worship Pastor at kyle@fbcangleton.com

Worship Choir

The Worship Choir at First Baptist Angleton leads our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings in the 10:15 service. We welcome anyone from high school age and up who has a heart for worship to come and join us. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm in the worship center.  Childcare is provided. No audition is necessary.


The Tech Ministry is a vital part of our Worship Arts Ministry. There are opportunities to serve in the areas of audio, video, worship presentation, and lighting.  Whether you have experience or are wanting to learn, there is a place for you in the FBC Tech Ministry.  The Tech Ministry serves during weekly worship services as well as special events.

Praise Kids

Praise Kids is a worship arts program for children ages 4 thru 5th grade.  Included in this exciting, fast-paced time is singing, instruments, drama, dance, art and other forms of artistic expression.  Praise Kids meets on Sundays 6:00-7:00 during the school year. 

Band & Praise Team

Our band and praise team are dedicated musicians who lead in worship weekly at our Sunday worship service as well as special events.  We are always seeking skilled players and singers who have a heart for God and for worship.  Band and praise team membership is by audition.