What to Expect

Our worship service features a "middle of the road," blended contemporary worship style, featuring music from today’s most well known artists and worship leaders as well as new arrangements of great hymns.

We spend the first part of the service worshiping God in song and prayer. Then the pastor will bring a message from the word of God, the Bible, and apply it to our lives. At the conclusion of the service there will be a time of voluntary response. The pastor will be at the front of the worship center to visit with anyone who wants to talk him about a spiritual decision.  

You'll see every generation represented in the service, dressed in everything from jeans to suits and ties. You will not be publicly called on or embarrassed as a guest or visitor during the program. If you would like to register your attendance with us, or leave us a prayer request, there are cards for that purpose in each pew, which you can leave in the offering boxes which are found at each the worship center exits.  

If you'll bring an open heart, we believe that through worship and the teaching of God's Word, you'll encounter the living God in a life-changing way.